
MC5 Review by Steven Stone, PMA Magazine

By Steven Stone, PMA Magazine
“My current desktop reference loudspeakers include the Audience 1+1, MoFi SourcePoint 8, and ATC SC-7III. Each excels in different parameters. The Audience has the best imaging and soundstage reproduction, the SourcePoint has the most seductive harmonic balance, and the ATC is, comparatively, the most linear and dynamic. While the Audiomis MC5 doesn’t best each of these loudspeakers’ most outstanding features, it does manage to split the difference in terms of sonic trade-offs and include 90% of the most positive aspects of each of the other speakers to arrive at an extremely compelling nearfield transducer.”
“Arriving at that Goldilocks middle ground eludes most two-ways.”
“For me, the most attractive sonic aspect of the Audiomis MC5 is its combination of low-fatigue sound with high resolution. I can listen, nearfield, for most of a working day without needing to turn the MC5s down or off.”